Home Featured Former Triple-A devs form a new studio and announce a new game, The Invincible

Former Triple-A devs form a new studio and announce a new game, The Invincible

Former Triple-A devs form a new studio and announce a new game, The Invincible

Announced on Twitter, former Triple-A devs from Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher 3, and Dying Light have come together to form a new studio called Starward Industries. Their first new game will be a first-person sci-fi thriller called The Invincible.

As of now, there isn’t a lot known about the game other than what can be gleaned from the Steam store page. What we know so far is that you are an interstellar scientist on an expedition who is thrown into a life or death situation, on a hostile planet where it will be your mission to find your missing crewmates and survive. While searching you will uncover hidden secrets that the planet has in store for you.

The game is being developed in Unreal Engine and the story is based off of the books of the same name written by Stanislaw Lem

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